Pandion cristatus  

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)
click photo for larger image
© Geoff Walker 2008
Point Cartwright, QLD (Dec, 2008)

This was first in a sequence of three shots of this bird.

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Eastern Osprey